It is already over 100 degrees here in Arizona which means our part time residents have left for cooler places. This is the time of year I get to take a breath and dig into all of the things that I could not get to during our busy winter season. I am working on this canvas will be a fun banner when it is finished. I found some great embellishments to add to the piece which I am keeping as a surprise for when you see the finished item.

The Covey  was sent out last week but just in case you missed this issue about classes click here.
Talented Laura Taylor will teach at our Fall Retreat. For all of you who have questions about stitch guides, Laura will start with a class just to answer all of your questions.  Then we will have two great, fun days of working on your chosen project with Laura along with friends, old and new!  The boutique hotel, The Gainey Suites is steps away from shopping, restaurants, a wonderful spa and only 5 minutes from Quail Run Needlework. I am having fun with all the details so do not miss this! Call the shop to sign up. 

We are all proud of our stitching family and so of course I was proud to feature Elaine Bleakney’s new book in The Covey. Her parents, Lynn and Walt, winter in Arizona and their visits to the shop are much enjoyed and appreciated.

Here are the latest magnets into the shop, so call or stop in to add to your collection!

Enjoy the evening and stitching.  See you soon.


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