Here are some tips on calcuating how much thread you need when stitching.
Method 1.
Stitch a square inch on the needlepoint canvas you plan to use, using your chosen thread and the stitch you plan to use . Keep track of the thread length you use. After stitching this square-inch sample, you multiply the amount used to cover this square-inch times the number of square inches to get the thread amount required. For instance, it it takes 1.5 yards to stitch a square inch and the design areas is 8 square inches, you need 12 yards of thread to complete that area.
Method 2.
In the store we measure the area to determine the number of square inches to be stitched then multiply by 2 to get the number of yards of thread required.
If the design areas is 2×2″ , that is 4 square inche , you will need 8 yards of thread for basket weave. A decorative stitch will require more thread so we always add 10% more to that estimate.
Here are simple points to consider before buying your yarn:
1. If your design is made up of a lot of small color areas you will need more of those colors than the estimated amount might indicate. This is because you will be ending the thread more often.
2.Smaller mesh canvases will require more thread than larger mesh.
3. Basket weave stitch uses a third more thread than Continental stitch.Decorative stitches will require even more.
So, when estimating needlepoint thread quantities, error on the side of having more than you need to avoid dye lot issues.