Welcome ANG Members !

A warm welcome to the ANG members who are attending the seminary in Tucson. Enjoy the wonderful classes and seeing all your friends you have missed the past three years. Stop in the shop if you would have time. We would love to see you.

It’s Here!

Volume 3 Mary’s Whimsical Stitches is now in stock. Stop in or call if we can send you a copy.

Mary’s Whimsical Stitches Volume 3  includes:

  • Updated and sequenced diagrams from Mary’s #whimsicalwednesday blog

  • A large cache of previously unpublished stitches from her class projects and private lessons

  • In addition to numbered sequences, navigation insight is provided on (select) individual stitches to help minimize visible threads from the back of the canvas, help the stitcher navigate more complex stitches, and explanations on how to approach variations of the same stitch (as needed).

  • Seven chapters of stitches, including Balanced, Diagonal, Layered, Oblique, Small, Straight, and an all-new chapter on Pattern Stitch ideas.

  • The popular chapter and alphabetical indexes are included in Volume 3. Full coverage stitches have been called out in the indexes so they will be easier to find.

Welcome Snowbirds!

We are so excited to see all our winter visitors again. We have missed you the past two years. The store is full of great canvases, threads and accessories for your shopping pleasure. Take a class, joins our ladies at Stitch and Chat on Tuesdays or just stop by and say hello. We are here to help!

Upcoming Class

Looking for a fun project? Come take this class. You will learn lots of new stitches and techiques. Call the shop to sign up.

What’s New!

Lots of new designs from your favorite designers. We have stands-table and floor in stock. Our threads are well stocked . Lot of accessories and embellishment to choose from as well.

Join us for Stitch and Chat on Tuesdays 1-4pm . Sign up for a class to get help with your current project or start a new one. Call, stop in or email ! We look forward to working with you in 2022!

Happy New Year

Wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year. We are grateful to all of you!


Thanksgiving Holiday Hours


Wednesday Nov 24 10am 12pm Early Close
Thursday Nov 25 CLOSED
Friday Nov 26 10am -2pm
Saturday Nov 10am-2pm

Have a great holiday!

Another new book!

This second book by Mary Legallet contains a collection of over 250 stitches for any skill level.
Mary includes a fantastic index suggesting how each stitch could be used.
This book is designed for stitchers from beginner to advanced. It includes an informative chapter on
the basics of needlepoint-a handy reference for all skill levels.
One of the features that makes Mary’s book so unique is her use of instagram URLs. At the bottom of many of the pages, there is a web URL that when typed into your interenet browser. will show a picture of what the stitch looks like on a painted canvas.

In stock no- stop in or call the shop to order your copy!


Stitch Books!

Two portable books filled with ideas.
Each stitch has a numbered diagram with a description of where to used the stitch and thread recommendations.Each is  3.5×4.5″ and coil bound for easy use.
Quick Stitch Reference has 40 indiviudal stitches . More Quick Stitch Reference has 48 more complicated stitches including laid filiings and backgrounds.
Perfect for a beginning stitcher or anyone who wants to explore decorative stitches.


To purchase click here
stitch reference books