Since finishing is an important part of your project, I though a little information might be helpful.
Items come into the shop daily for finishing. This means there are many items ahead of yours in line for finishing, Finishing is not started the day you bring your project in. It is processed and placed in a queue
when the times are reviewed for finshing on the same scheduled day each week. So it may be up to 5 days before you items is added to the queue. Items are finished in the order received. Much time and effort is taken with each piece to choose just the right fabric and trims to create a timeless treasure. Sometimes it takes extra time to find the right fabric in the right color that you request or that will most enhance your project. This means shopping to find just the right fabric and sometimes it means ordering online if we can’t find the fabric locally. Sometimes it takes several orders to get the right fabric as color is so hard to judge online. No item is rushed . Finishing is lighter in May . June and July but come August increases as everyone wants their holiday item in before the finishing deadline. Come Sept.Oct their can be as many as 100 items ahead of your to finish.