For those of us who love the rhythm of counted needlepoint designs, Sue Reed will be back to teach November 4/5.2015. All the ladies so enjoyed Sue’s It’s Knot the Ususal Class  learning new stitches, techniques and working with color. So here we go again with another new unique design from Sue.

Mardi Gras

A multi-layered composite woven wheel pattern with its playful colors creates the center of Mardi Gras. Radiating outward from the center are four bands of a zigzag pattern. This pattern extends outward to set up four rectangular areas. The stitches used on the rectangles allow for light play and movement, color and texture. Some of these stitches are plain and multicolored twisted stars, alternating cashmere blocks, diagonal mosaics, Sprat’s head, long-armed cross, and beading. Surrounding this colorful design is a quiet border of slanted Gobelin and long-armed cross. Color choices are available. 

 Design Size: 9” x 8.75”
Class Dates: November 4/5, 2015  10am-4pm

Just waiting for more information regarding the color choices which will be posted soon .Just had to share this new class with you.
Call to register for another great class from Sue Reed!  You can’t miss this one.

Happy Stitching!




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