I stitched these teapots for a dear friend who, like me, loves tea.
Both have a darning pattern background to give them that old fashioned lace look. The colors are white and lavender as those are the colors of her kitchen. The gold spouts and stems add a little elegance. They were stitched using Kreinik #12 braid along with City Silk and Gloriana silk floss. My friend always has a vase filled with lavender stalks gracing her kitchen with its sweet scent both soothing and purifying the air. Lavender belongs to the mint family and has been documented for use of over 2500 years. Egyptians used it for mummification processes. It was used as a perfume by the Phoenicians and the Romans used the oils for bathing, cooking and scenting the air. In the world of aroma therapy, it is used as a top note and sweetness that gives “fruity aspects” to perfumes and other scented products. Did you know mosquitoes and moths hate the smell. The friend’s kitchen loves lavender and cooking with this herb she tells me is said to ease digestive problems. Herbs d’Provence typically contains lavender and cans be used as a savory pinch to any meat or soup dish. She uses the lavender buds sprinkled over a salad to bring as a bright colorful addition to its greens, and has been know to drop a few into a glass of champagne or has them mixed into a chocolate cake recipe creating an aromatic enchantment.
Have a great Sunday and Happy Stitching.