A little about Finishing

Since finishing is an important part of your project, I though a little information might be helpful.
Items come into the shop daily for finishing. This means there are many items ahead of yours in line for finishing, Finishing is not started the day you bring your project in. It is processed and placed in a queue
when the times are reviewed for finshing on the same scheduled day each week.  So it may be up to 5 days before you items is added to the queue. Items are finished in the order received. Much time and effort is taken with each piece to choose just the right fabric and trims to create a timeless treasure. Sometimes it takes extra time to find the right fabric in the right color that you  request or that will most enhance your project. This means shopping to find just the right fabric and sometimes it means ordering online if we can’t find the fabric locally. Sometimes it takes several orders to get the right fabric as color is so hard to judge online. No item is rushed .  Finishing is lighter in May . June and July but come August increases as everyone wants their holiday item in before the finishing deadline. Come Sept.Oct their can be as many as 100 items ahead of your to finish.

Memorial Day Weekend Hours 2017

We are open 10am-4pm  May 27th, Saturday before
Memorial Day for you to shop for your holiday supplies.

WInter Retreat with Robin King 2018


If you haven’t taken a class from Robin King , add it to your must do list.
This is just one of many beautiful projects from last year’s class.  Robin’s class in the fall is full , but there are still a few places left in the Winter class in January 2018.  It is a great time to be in Arizona!
Call the shop for details  480 551 1423 .

Thank you all!



Thanks to all who donated  to the shop’s Sunshine Acres Benefit to make it a great success.
Congratulations to Wendy H. who won the raffle prize- a tote full of goodies. 

Marasol Class

This sunny piece was a great piece to stitch. Lots of great stitch combinations and threads used.
The ladies stitched three different colorways-the yellow/blue/peach, yellow/blue/raspberry and
brown/black/beige/red. Here are some of the works in progress.

Margaret will be back to teach next February23/24,2108 . She will be sending pictures of designs and one
will be chose for the class so watch for more pictures!

Gorgeous designs!

I have a wonderful visit from Betty Fikes Pillsbury, author of Crazy Quilts, A Begiiner Guide.
She brought a  few samples of her incredible work that I just have to share with you.
She autographed a copy of her book for my stitching library. I get inspiration from so many sources like this. 

This jacket was our favorite design she brought in . I am in the process of finding a jacket to send to her with threads, ribbons and other embellishments .

These purses are so beautiful.
The most spectacular design was this incredible quilt.
All her work is hand sewn so hours and hours of work on this piece!

Thanks to Betty for sharing her works of art! 

New Color Alert

The  new colors of Silk & Ivory debuted  at the Winter Trade Show!

#241 Maize, #242 Lavender, #243 Clematis, and #244 Morning Glory
Great new colors for your projects.

Fun new metallic colors for Winter 2017 from Kreinik. 
  • 4 new colors for Micro Ice Chenille: Silver, Gold, Red & Green and Copper- great for garlands or wreaths on those holiday projects.
  • New Holographic Color: 016L Olive Moss is available in Blending Filament, #4, #8, #12 & #16 Braid